Liability Insurance for Personal Trainers

Protect Your Livelihood

You give your all to protect your clients’ health. You deserve the same.

What’s Professional Liability?

Liability insurance protects you and safeguards your personal training business if something should go wrong. The majority of personal trainers never encounter a legal issue but having insurance that protects you just in case provides immeasurable peace of mind that you can remain financially secure. Through a partnership with CPH & Associates, NFPT provides our trainer family the option to get liability insurance at a substantial discount.

What Does Professional Liability Insurance Cover?

Professional liability insurance coverage varies based on where the personal training services occur: in a private residence, a health maintenance facility or even remotely through video tutorials. For example, if you train outside or travel to a client’s home, you exert no control over the environment and might not need as much liability insurance as someone who trains in his or her own gym. In either case, if clients use your equipment, you could still be held responsible for losses due to negligence related to that equipment. Basic insurance coverage falls into five general categories:

  1. Professional/premises liability
  2. Sexual abuse liability
  3. Products liability
  4. Medical payments
  5. Damage to premises

The agents at CPH & Associates will guide you through the potential risks based on your individual needs.

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Aren’t I Already Covered by My Gym?

It depends. Trainers working as health club employees are included in their employers’ general insurance policies. Trainers working as independent contractors for a gym are not covered in the same way employees are covered. Trainers who pay rent to the gym where they train do not have the protection of being an employee and likely will need personal training liability insurance. Before you begin personal training, you must understand how your facility’s policy works. Do not assume that you are protected. Since there are so many employment structures for personal trainers, you can find a policy that fits your situation, no matter where you train.

How Much Does Insurance Cost?

You can get coverage for about $15 a month. And since it’s so affordable, it’s easy to protect yourself and your business in the unlikely event of a claim or lawsuit. It’s just the cost of doing business.

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