Anatomy Fundamentals

Gain confidence in human anatomy and its application for exercise techniques.

Just the Facts

  • NFPT CECs = 2.0 CEC Guarantee More info
  • Est. Prep/Completion Time = 10 hours
  • Price = $109.00

About the Course

Gain a deep understanding of muscle anatomy so you can work more expertly with clients, cue form properly for injury prevention and address concerns with confidence. The Anatomy Fundamentals course will help you learn how 100 muscles work through 21 videos and dozens of exercises. You’ll become more effective at creating and tailoring exercise programming with this course.

Dive Right In

The Anatomy Fundamentals course will deepen your understanding of muscle anatomy and help you design more effective exercise programs for your clients. Your deeper level of confidence in your anatomy knowledge will improve everyday exercise for you and for your clients. In this course, you will review muscle attachments and how the muscles function for optimal performance. Understanding anatomy is a major component of personal training success and knowing it proficiently can be the determining factor in a client’s decision to work with you.

Course author Beverly Hosford earned a master’s degree in kinesiology and has more than 10 years of experience teaching college anatomy classes and independent anatomy workshops at major fitness conventions, including IDEA World. Beverly will guide you around the human skeleton with weekly videos, visualizations, handouts, recordings and articles that heighten body awareness and enhance movement integrity.

Is This Course Right for You?

If you are studying to become certified as a personal fitness trainer, then the Anatomy Fundamentals course is the perfect supplement to your existing understanding of anatomy and your current exam preparation materials. If you are already certified, then this course will reinforce what you already know. You’ll receive continuing education credits and you’ll relay your anatomy knowledge to your clients with more confidence. This course is for anyone who enjoys learning, at a deeper level, the muscle structure and function that makes up our body’s anatomy. NOTE: This is an advanced continuing education course. NFPT recommends you have an understanding of basic human anatomy before you enroll.

What You Get

  • Digital workbook
  • Online test and practice test
  • 32-minute video
  • 21 video modules (four hours total)
  • Education support
  • Certificate of completion

Continuing Education Process

Education Objectives

Week 1: Course prep with terms and bony landmark review

Week 2: Hip extensors and hip flexors

Week 3: Adductors and deep six rotators

Week 4: Knee flexors, knee extensors, ankle plantar-flexors, ankle dorsi-flexors

Week 5: Application/break week, practice and review

Week 6: Scapula muscles, shoulder muscles

Week 7: Rotator cuff, elbow flexors, elbow extensors

Week 8: Abdominals, erector spinae, breathing (rib) muscles

Ask Andy
Ask Andy


  • Take multiple choice test online
  • Answer 39 questions in an hour
  • Score 70% to pass
  • Get results instantly
  • Retest once for free

Meet the Author

Beverly Hosford

Beverly Hosford holds a master’s degree in kinesiology. She has been teaching anatomy and coaching fitness professionals for more than 10 years and serving the fitness industry for more than 15 years. She is a writer and subject matter expert for the IDEA Health and Fitness Association, the American Council on Exercise and the National Federation of Professional Trainers. Beverly teaches and presents at conventions nationwide. Her mission is to support the preventative portion of the healthcare industry by educating and empowering fitness professionals and healthcare providers. If you have questions about this course or need education support assistance after you have enrolled, email and we’ll connect you to Beverly.

Bev is one of the most well-versed, enthusiastic and genuinely caring individuals I’ve met in practice. She knows what she’s talking about, knows how to spread her know-how and loves to do so. Bev made me decide to follow the career path I am following.– Jackie Cork, certified personal trainer