‘Fitness Flop or Fact?’ is another way for you, as a NFPT trainer, to earn continuing education credits …for free!
What are Fitness Flop or Fact?’s
Fitness Flop or Fact? is a “mini-quiz” that you take through your NFPT Account. Each month, we choose an article from the NFPT Blog and quiz you on the subject matter in order to reinforce the skill or knowledge that is presented in the article. These articles are written by experienced NFPT-CPTs and represent some of the subjects that are important for you to understand as a fitness professional. You will be asked one (1) True/False (aka Fact/Flop) question and 3-4 multiple choice questions which test your understanding of the article. If you answer all questions correctly, the CECs are automatically added to your account.
How many CECs is it worth?
Each Fitness Flop or Fact? is worth 0.1 CEC.
What?! How does that even help me?!
Each month we release a new Fitness Flop or Fact? quiz. Successfully completing 10 quizzes, for example, gains you 1.0 CECs. 1.0 CECs is already half of the credit that you need each year. CLICK HERE for CEC award details and recertification requirements.
When can I do these Fitness Flop or Facts?
These quizzes are published monthly, one (1) quiz per month is available in your online account. They are available to you until you successfully compete them. Therefore, you can take them anytime you want and take as many as are available in your account.
Where do I log in to start taking the Fitness Flop or Facts? quizzes?
Log in to your NFPT Account. Go to ‘Continuing Education’ in the main header menu and then to ‘Free CECs’ to find these quizzes, or click the image below for a direct log in.