Author: NFPT CEC

These resources are for the purpose of personal trainer growth and development through Continuing Education which advances the knowledge of fitness professionals. This article is written for NFPT Certified Personal Trainers to receive Continuing Education Credit (CEC). Please contact NFPT at 800.729.6378 or with questions or for more information.

Posts by NFPT CEC:

Supply & Demand: Working the Muscles of the Lower Body

Supply & Demand: Working the Muscles of the Lower Body

Many people want to build muscle in the arms, shoulders, back and chest – the ‘show’ muscles – at the expense of what are sometimes perceived as the less flashy muscles of the lower body. That’s unfortunate, because there are some very sound reasons not to neglect those muscles for the benefit of the whole body.

Protein Needs for Athletes

Protein Needs for Athletes

We all need to consume some amount of protein on a regular basis, but just how much can vary according to a person’s lifestyle and athletic focus.

Epigenetics: Harness the Power to Change Your DNA

Epigenetics: Harness the Power to Change Your DNA

Nature versus Nurture: this age-old topic has been at the root of more scientific and social psychology debates than just about any other subject over the past several decades. The notion that genetics loads the pistol and society pulls the trigger is gaining in popularity, carrying with it the implication that forces around us may actually have a powerful influence on that with which Mother Nature endowed us at birth. The emerging field of study known as epigenetics is studying this specific phenomenon.

Understanding Repetitive Motion Disorders

Understanding Repetitive Motion Disorders

A repetitive motion disorder (RMD) is a physical condition that results from repeated motions made in the course of normal work, athletic activity, and just going about the business of everyday life.

Fat by the Numbers

Fat by the Numbers

Wouldn’t it be great if every part of improving or maintaining our health could be reduced to a numeric equation?

Focus on Senior Muscle

Focus on Senior Muscle

The miracle of weight training is that it actually slows muscle tissue loss associated with aging. In fact, it’s possible to regain some muscle that may have been lost to injury or inactivity.

Sleep: Not to Be Taken Lightly

Sleep: Not to Be Taken Lightly

As a species, humans spend about a third of their lives sleeping. That might not be surprising, considering that sleep allows the body to recover from the activities of the two thirds spent awake.

Prescription Drug Overdoses Declared an Epidemic

Prescription Drug Overdoses Declared an Epidemic

Taking over-the-counter medications for dealing with post-workout soreness is a fairly common practice. But mixing over-the-counter pain medications with prescription pain medications such as opioids significantly raises the risk of a fatal overdose.

Helping a Client Return to Exercise after Injury

Helping a Client Return to Exercise after Injury

Returning to exercise after a sports-related injury can be a trying time for an active person. Viewed in a positive light, it can be a time to try new ways of performing familiar exercises and gain new insights in the process.

Helping Clients Visualize the Core

Helping Clients Visualize the Core

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then picture how efficient it can be to describe a training concept or even anatomical system in simple visual terms. Take, for example, “the core”.