Think you might make a great personal trainer?
Some people love fitness and those that don’t like it much might hire a personal trainer. If you’ve got the natural drive to work out or have found deep reasoning to stay in shape then chances are you don’t need a fitness coach. But, perhaps you could be one? Several signs indicate that you should become a personal trainer, and maybe even make a great one.
Is Becoming a Certified Personal Trainer for You?
Personal Training is a career that many people think of as more than just a job. They consider it to be a way of life. Truth be told, being a personal trainer is a lot of hard work and not everyone is cut out for it. It requires a commitment to learning and earnestness to help others change their lives. So, before you take the leap, take a look in the mirror. Not at your biceps, but at who you are.
Personal training might just be the perfect path for you.
Here are seven signs that you would make a great personal trainer
1. You’re rarely alone when you work out.
Do you naturally attract friends and family to join you at the gym, for a bike ride, or when participating in a 5K? Passion for fitness is contagious. So, if there’s a crew following you around when you’re working out then it’s a good sign that you’ll cultivate a strong fitness business.
The most successful new trainers I’ve met are ones who have been helping friends and family get results long before or just after they get certified. Not because they convert these people into clients, but because word of mouth brings them steady business.
No worries if you’ve also been a lone wolf in your workout endeavors; this is a testament to your focus and ability to get work done, which is also necessary when leading others down the fitness path.
2. Numbers and progress get you excited.
There’s more to fitness than what you see on a scale or the repetitions completed in a weight-lifting set. But, numbers are the foundation for health awareness.
Especially for people new to exercise. Oftentimes it’s a high blood pressure reading or wedding dress measurement that motivates a person to exercise more consistently.
Measuring progress with body fat calculations and strength gains can be motivating and help people stay on track. If you’re into data then you’ll love the options of science-based measurements available for inspiring people to alter their numbers.
3. Tweaking your own personal fitness routine is fun.
Do you crave variety in your workouts? If you get ideas by watching the person next to you at the gym, from magazines, or by browsing online then you’ll be a great personal trainer.
Curiosity is one of the keystones to continuous education – which is essential for a successful career in personal training. A craving to learn will help you go the distance.
4. When someone is on the move your head turns to stare.
Not in a creepy way, but in an “I wonder why their knees are caving in” or “Do they know their head is forward?” type of way. One of the main reasons people seek out a personal trainer, aside from variety, is for safety and injury prevention.
Anyone can pick up a new fitness routine in a magazine or online. But not everyone can be certain they’re moving efficiently and with proper form.
Some of the best-paid personal trainers I know are sticklers for body mechanics. Their clients work with them long term because injuries are minimized and results are maximized. Plus they can tell that their trainer is educated and paying close attention.
5. When going on vacation you grab a fitness magazine.
If you’ve got piles of magazines, health books, and healthy recipes lying around your house it’s a good sign that you’re committed to healthy living. This love affair you have with being in shape will serve you well because you can earn a salary by researching, implementing, and tweaking fitness programs to your heart’s desire.
You can also learn to scrutinize what you read and call BS on some of the junk that gets published. Or, become a fitness writer yourself and contribute to the ever-changing and growing body of knowledge.
6. You’ve got positive energy to share.
Got energy? Spread the love. You don’t have to be a cheerleader to effectively inspire people. Having a calm, confident demeanor is just as contagious as an upbeat enthusiastic one. If you’re encouraging, uplifting, and see the bright side of situations then you’ll do great coaching people who need that extra nudge when they’re feeling unmotivated.
7. You like to stay busy, on your feet, and enjoy change.
Many personal trainers evacuated their desk job to be on their feet, on the move, and in a more active career. That doesn’t mean you can’t sit down to do fitness consultations or write blogs.
It does mean there are more options for you to design your workday. You can work with clients in person, on the phone, or virtually anywhere from 5 to 50 hours per week.
Do you like change? There are many career paths you can follow in the fitness industry. You can supplement income by teaching, writing, speaking, or working behind the scenes in the field for a fitness company. The options are endless.
Check out NFPT Live Episode #43 on this topic:
Keep Exploring the Possibility: How to Become a Personal Trainer