Getting and Submitting CECs with NFPT is Easy!

Continuing your education as a personal trainer can seem like a pain sometimes. But, there is great value to staying up-to-date in an ever-changing industry. By continuing to educate yourself you are staying ahead of your competition and able to help your clients more thoroughly.

Here at NFPT we understand that your time and money are precious things. And we, in no way, want to take those things away from you. That is why we offer our trainers to complete their Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for FREE and at little time commitment!

There are a number of ways to complete your 2.0 credits of continuing education, and even ways to do it completely for free! Below are the cheapest and easiest ways to complete your necessary CECs to stay an active NFPT Trainer:

Study-Guide-Picture-CopyNFPT’s Self-Tests

The NFPT Blog is not only a great place to receive NFPT updates or industry news, we also create quality scientifically based articles to educate our trainers. From those articles we create two tests, one in December and one in June, for our trainers to take, free of charge! Always check back in to find new CEC Articles so you can study as they are published each month.

Once you take and pass a Self-Test, your credits will be automatically added to your account. Each Self-Test is worth 0.5 CECs, which means you can earn 1.0 CEC if you complete both Self-Tests in a year. That’s half of your required CECs right there!

NFPT’s Fitness Flops

Fitness Flops are a way to earn CECs, at no cost, through NFPT. Fitness Flops are “mini-quizzes” that come out each month. You will be asked questions about pictures depicting common exercises.

These will be available through your NFPT Account and are worth 0.1 CECs. If you do them every month, by the end of the year you will have earned 1.2 CECs. That’s over half of your required CECs!

Submit Proof of your Attendance at a Fitness Course, Seminar or Conference

You can submit proof that you attended a fitness related course, seminar or conference and receive CECs from NFPT. Whether it was an online course, a conference you attended across the country or a seminar that was held locally, as long as you have proof of your attendance you can get credit with NFPT.

You can submit proof of your attendance by uploading verification documents in your NFPT Account > Submit CECs. You can even take a picture of your certificate of completion (or other verification documentation) and simply email it to Easy, right?

Submit Proof of your CPR/AED Certification

You can submit a copy of your current CPR/AED Card for credit as well. A CPR certification and AED certification are both worth 0.25 CECs, which means together they are worth 0.5 CECs.

You can submit a copy of these certifications in your NFPT Account > Submit CECs, or take a pic with your phone and email it to

Submit Proof of your Personal Training Insurance

You can submit a copy of your current Personal Training Insurance Card for credit as well. Proof of Personal Training Insurance is worth 0.25 CECs.

Writing for the NFPT Blog

If you feel like you have what it takes to write for the NFPT Blog, you can submit articles about the fitness industry and personal training in to receive CECs! Click here for more details and contact NFPT’s Blog Editor with your interest and questions.





The NFPT Team is your #FitFam of trainer professionals who make various contributions to the NFPT Blog according to timed news and events, or interests in writing to current topics respective to individual skillset, talent and/or professional recommendations.