As a part of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, May 13-19 is National Women’s Health Week. The entire week is dedicated to bringing together communities, businesses, government and health organizations, and other groups to promote women’s health.
The theme this year is, “It’s Your Time”. As fitness professionals how can you help women see the benefits of working hard to stay healthy? Not just for a week, but year after year.
The truth is there isn’t a lot of emphasis on women’s overall health. Sure, there are amazing events and products that remind us almost every day about the fight to end breast cancer. And, while I 100% believe in and support this fight, there is more to women than just our breasts. Did you know that women are six times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer? The crazy thing – heart disease is preventable.
The leading cause of heart disease is an unhealthy lifestyle. And who is better suited to change awareness and provide the tools to help women live a healthier life than you?
Use Women’s Health Week as an opportunity to increase awareness about your services, and enhance your influence in the community.
Plan a workshop for women stressing the importance of preventive screenings, being active and eating healthy. This is what you already do with your clients. Now, in the spirit of Women’s Health Week, reach out to women with an awareness purpose.
Group Classes
Offer a free group fitness class for women. This is your chance to not only tell women about the importance of living a healthy life, but show them. Plus, showcasing your services to a new group of potential clients is never a bad thing.
Social Media
Social media is a phenomenal medium to promote these events. More women will be willing to sign up for your workshop or fitness class if they see that you are knowledgeable and passionate. Use your social media accounts to make your friends and followers aware of the important issues surrounding women’s health.
Expand your reach beyond the class and workshop. Spread the word about Women’s Health Week. Not only will your efforts help improve awareness, but they may even save a life or two! One week can make a lifetime of difference. This week “It’s your time.” With everything you have to offer, you can make a difference in your community and in your business. And, isn’t that why you got started as a personal trainer?