Become a Volunteer Partner
Volunteers Support the NFPT Trainer Family
NFPT volunteers make all of the difference. We need you and your service on the NFPT Advisory Committee as a Subject Matter Expert or as a member of the Certification Council to help other members of the NFPT trainer family succeed right alongside you.
Join the NFPT Advisory Committee and help guide the direction of NFPT certification. Volunteers use their experience and fitness knowledge to weigh in on certification developments as either a Subject Matter Expert, who develops and refines the NFPT exam, or as a member of the Certification Council, which establishes and maintains program policies.
Why should I volunteer for the NFPT Advisory Committee?
As a NFPT Advisory Committee volunteer, you will work with industry colleagues to steer the direction of NFPT certification. You’ll experience a behind-the-scenes perspective of professional certification and strengthen your own knowledge, too. Most importantly, volunteers share their passion to make a difference. NFPT waives recertification fees and CEC requirements in exchange for your service on the NFPT Advisory Committee.
Exam Development Team Volunteer
The NFPT exam is developed by a team of certified personal trainers from various backgrounds and education levels. Members of this exam team are considered Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) as they use their personal knowledge and skills to develop the NFPT certification exam. We select a diverse group of fitness trainers who differ geographically and in experience levels who are committed to our profession. Because the test development cycle occurs annually and restarts with new parameters every five to seven years, an SMEs time commitment can vary from year to year. SMEs participate in tasks in a rotation so there is a mix of veteran and new SMEs for each assigned task.
If you are interested in learning more about the benefits and details of a position on our team please contact Michele Rogers, NFPT Certification Coordinator, at
Examples of SME Assignments
You could participate in:
Online webinar training sessions, 2–3 hour scheduled webinar meetings once or twice a year
Writing, reviewing and approving NFPT exam questions, 8-10 hours online at your own pace and/or an optional three-day in-person meeting
Writing, reviewing and approving the NFPT industry skill set survey, 4-6 hours online and/or a three-day in-person workshop once every five years
Review question performance statistics to improve the test, three hours online in 2–3 webinars or an optional two-day in-person workshop once a year
Subject Matter Expert Requirements
Potential Subject Matter Experts must:
Have no conflicts of interest. SMEs sign an affidavit attesting to no social, professional or economic relationship with a third party that may affect their ability to act in the best interest of NFPT and the NFPT certification program.
Maintain confidentiality. SMEs sign an affidavit agreeing to keep all documents, information, intellectual property and exam questions confidential. All information shared with Subject Matter Experts is and will remain the exclusive property of NFPT.
Possess current knowledge. SMEs represent diverse backgrounds and education levels, which is important to the integrity of the exam. For this reason, SMEs are not required to obtain certification, a license or a degree from any one source; however, an SME must possess a level of health and fitness education and certification that can be demonstrated confidently in a group setting.
Share their experience. SMEs represent a diverse level of experiences from number of years in the business to types of workplaces. This diversity is critical for productive dialogue in the group dynamic and to the overall integrity of the NFPT certification examination.
Volunteer for the Certification Council
Contribute your expertise to the NFPT Certification Council, which acts independently to ensure NFPT complies with national certification accreditation and credentialing standards and establishes NFPT standards for personal trainer certification and recertification. Five council members cover the spectrum of the fitness industry with at least one member holding an NFPT certification and one public member, representing the personal fitness training consumer, who cannot be a current or previous trainer, work in a related profession, provide complimentary personal training services or be the employer/employee of personal fitness trainers or of any certification organization.
The NFPT Certification Council meets by teleconference at least four times a year. Consistent contribution and communication inside the secure web forum are required, from 12–20 hours a year.
Council Member Responsibilities
Certification Council members will:
Review, revise and approve NFPT certification policies and procedures
Oversee all test development activities, including SME recruitment and selection
Recruit, select and approve Advisory Committee members
Review and implement program eligibility and recertification renewal and continuing education requirements
Establish of codes of conduct and require disciplinary action as needed
Council Member Requirements
Certification Council members must:
Have no conflicts of interest. Council members must not have social, professional or economic relationships with any third party that may affect their ability to act in the best interest of NFPT and the NFPT certification program.
Not participate in development of exam preparation. Council members must not participate in the development or delivery of any training or education that prepares individuals for the NFPT certification exam during council service and for at least two years after a member’s term ends.
Honor term limits. Council members are limited to a maximum of three consecutive terms. Fitness trainer and at-large council members serve two-year terms. The public member serves a one-year term. At the conclusion of a council member’s third consecutive term, a year must pass before former members may be recommended to serve again by the current council, based on prior performance and availability. Council members are appointed by majority vote of the Certification Council. Terms begin in November.
Volunteer Form
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