Most people have felt pain or stiffness in the lower back at some point. Many know the feeling of tension and tightness in the neck and…
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Overuse Injuries vs. Traumatic Injuries
An athlete may suffer injuries that are caused by either acute trauma or overuse. Let’s discuss the difference between overuse injuries and traumatic injuries and…
Strength Training for a Healthier You!
Strength training is an important part of any exercise program. Strength training refers to strengthening and conditioning the overall body in terms of muscular balance.…
Anxiety Management: Coping Strategies to Benefit Overall Health
“You cannot change the wind, but you can adjust your sails.” In today’s fast-paced and often overscheduled world, stress of various kinds seems to be…
Facts on Body Fat, Pt. 2
As discussed earlier fat cells serve a purpose to capture excess lipids from the plasma and liver. Fat cells also serve as repositories for toxins.…
Facts on Body Fat, Pt. 1
The purpose of this article is to understand the types of body fat, energy from fat, protective mechanism within the body that fat serves, when…
Hitting the Sweet Spot for Diabetic Clients
One of the most recent subspecialties emerging within the personal training arena is a certification in Corrective Exercise. As our population ages, and as these…
Connecting the Dots: The Emerging Role of Health Coaching, Pt. 2
In a recently published article on Health Coaching, I offered an overview of this exciting field, outlining the many positive attributes such a service can…
Improving Cholesterol Levels Through Healthy Habits
There is much you can do to increase your HDL (good) cholesterol and decrease your LDL (bad) cholesterol through lifestyle improvements. In fact, government health…
READ MOREIs it better to Hit the Elliptical – or Hit the Pavement?
Walking and using the elliptical machine are often both used as part of general fitness programs. While they are very alike in many respects, it’s…
Do the Math. Do the Work. Lose the Weight.
When the ounces don’t add up to pounds as fast as someone in a weight loss program might like (or expect), looking at calories consumed vs.…
Using Compound Movements
Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that work several muscles or muscle groups at a time. For a healthy athlete or anyone who is trying to…